Lego Therapy is a social skills group focusing on teaching and promoting social skill development. Lego Therapy Social Skills Group gives children the opportunity to collaboratively work in a peer group setting to focus on a variety of social skills including: teamwork, turn-taking, effective social communication, negotiation and social problem-solving skills. 

For children aged 7-9 who would benefit from support in the area of social skill development  

Where: Northumberland Child Development Centre, 205 Peter Street, Port Hope, Ontario, L1A 3V6

When: Monday evenings from 4:30pm-5:30pm (1 hour group counselling session) beginning February 27, 2023. This group runs consecutively for five weeks, with no session during the week of March Break: March 13, 2023.


  • This is a fee for service counselling program. If you have private employment insurance it may be covered under mental health services
  • Families must attend all five sessions, no drop in’s

For more information, or to register please contact Crissie at